Kerime Abay Kerime Abay

#18 How to Reclaim Joy: Detoxing from Cortisol and Rediscovering Happiness

Many of my clients who have experienced early childhood trauma often grapple with fundamental questions: Why can't they seem to find happiness? Why do they constantly self-sabotage? The answers to these questions are as diverse as the individuals asking them. In this blog, I aim to explore a few ideas that may shed light on potential reasons worth considering.

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Kerime Abay Kerime Abay

#16: Rethinking Female Hormones: A Journey of Empowerment and Reflection

In our dominant culture, the narrative surrounding female hormones has often been steeped in shame and taboos, sometimes even perceived as a burden. Medical perspectives have made attempts to empower women by providing clarity within a medicalised context, offering relief through defined parameters. However, a cultural shift is underway, where we are witnessing a return to a more traditional, matriarchal perspective.

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Kerime Abay Kerime Abay

#15: Why Consider Therapy Even When Things Are Good?

Therapy is often perceived as a space exclusively reserved for addressing issues or problems in our lives. However, the question arises: Why is it important to engage in therapy when you're already in a good place emotionally and mentally?

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Kerime Abay Kerime Abay

#11: How Might Your Sensory Experience Effect You When Relocating to a New Country?

When relocating to a new country, there are many things to consider, including the process of integration, finding a job and a home, establishing social connections, learning the language, and managing the grief of leaving behind close family and friends. Adapting takes time, courage and a period of reorienting our minds while finding our bearings.

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